I do not fault CCleaner, but I think I did lethal damage to my computer by using the registry issues section quite often without backing up. I now need to purchase a new computer. I have read all the info provided by Piriform concerning registry cleaning, but I am not really that advanced in my computer usage knowledge. So my question is: how does the average user of CCleaner proceed with cleaning of the registry( if at all necesarry)? I still do not completely understand. Thank you.
I don't know how the average user proceeds with registry cleaning but I would advise to proceed with caution. There's probably not a great deal to benefit in terms of space or speed if the registry is squeaky clean, it just looks neater. But if we didn't use CC or a similar product we wouldn't see the registry 'issues' anyway.
Step one of course is always to take the backup when offered. It's not (according to some threads) a guaranteed recovery panacea but it's a good start. Then I would progress a step at a time, certainly not fix all issues in one go. Remove those entries that you know are obsolete, such as those belonging to removed software. Google those entries you don't understand, and don't remove them if you don't understand what Google returns. Finally, if you don't remove all entries, and that is likely, don't worry too much. I still have some of those issues.
Can't you either reinstall Windows if your pc is so bad, or reinstall some of the applications? CC won't really break your pc beyond recall.
Can't you either reinstall Windows if your pc is so bad, or reinstall some of the applications? CC won't really break your pc beyond recall.
Uhhmm....the computer tech guy said that the PC was "dead". I have no further information beyond that. In a previous instance I reinstalled Windows myself. And it worked well for about a year and a half, but I guess I "zapped" it to death. Death being cleaning all registry issues with no backing up. Thanks for your advice. I will be much more carefull with my daughters laptop. It already gave a warning notice once when booting up. So from now on I will let registry issues be.
Your pc will only be dead if you have some hardware malfunction. Can you boot it up and press F12 or whatever it is to then boot from the Windows installation disk?