Registry-cleaning hangs?

Hi! I noticed today that CCleaner 2.18.878 seems to be hanging at 95 or 97 percent on my XP/SP3 system when it cleans the registry.

It doesn't happen all (or even most) of the time, but it did happen twice in quick succession and, given CC's history of flawless operation for me, I thought I should bring it to your attention. Nothing of note had been added to the system recently (beyond a game or two). If you need more info, please let me know!


Hi! I noticed today that CCleaner 2.18.878 seems to be hanging at 95 or 97 percent on my XP/SP3 system when it cleans the registry.

It doesn't happen all (or even most) of the time, but it did happen twice in quick succession and, given CC's history of flawless operation for me, I thought I should bring it to your attention. Nothing of note had been added to the system recently (beyond a game or two). If you need more info, please let me know!


I should note that this problem seems more prevalent in the new version (2.19.900). CCleaner can now hang at many stages when cleaning the registry.


i have multiple computers all set up exactly the same way. crapcleaner does hang on every single one of them, but this one i'm now, it simply will not complete a registry scan. stops at either 26% or 36% everytime.

just uninstalled and reinstalled. no difference.

had so many different versions of this that i deleted all the past version now too!

Sorry to hear of your problems guys, which I don't have an answer for.

Maybe go back to a version which did work for you. All previous versions are kept on FileHippo.

It would be a shame to part with a really good tool completely.

You can try CCleaner in debug mode, although if CCleaner doesn't crash I don't know if it will create a debug log or not, worth a try though.

  1. Here’s how to run CCleaner in debug mode:

  2. Click Start, Run
  3. Copy+Paste in (including the quotes):

    “C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe” /DEBUG

    or the path where you have CCleaner installed if you changed it during setup.

  4. Click OK to start CCleaner, it will now be in debug mode.
  5. Run the registry cleaner, when the registry cleaning hangs exit CCleaner.
  6. Look in the CCleaner installed path for any debug log files, then post them on here for the developers to look at.

That would be the only way I'd know of to find out what's causing it, although I suppose a corrupt registry key may cause it.