Registry Cleaner

Please help I ran the Ccleaner Registry Cleaner. I made a back up file (*.reg)

Now my computer is not running properly .. I cant find any information on how to go about restore this file?

I don't see a file for endpoint or how to get to that, so any help i would appreciate it!

I'm an idiot for running it in the first place, just was not thinking!!

Please help!!


Forget that guff about endpoints, that documentation you found is for the business/networked version of CCleaner.

Simply find the .reg file (often in your documents folder), right click on it, and select 'Merge' to restore the entries.

And if importing/restoring the .REG file backup fails (and it seems to fail sometimes) you may have to resort to restoring from a recent System Restore Point - that is if you have one since Windows 10 disables System Protection/System Restore by default unless the user manually enables it themselves.