I'm a free version user and have been for many years, so I can't really criticize your product without being a hypocrite, but I think you should be aware of a problem with the registry cleaning function of CCleaner. I have an Alienware Aurora R7 PC with an Nvidia 1080 video card. I used the registry cleaning function yesterday, and it created a disaster. There is now no display available either from the vid card display port or the basic computer display port. The PC is on warranty and Alienware (Dell) needs me to send them the PC to fix the problem since nothing the tech rep and I tried by phone would remedy it. It will cost me nothing, but the PC will be down for 2 weeks and since I'm an avid gamer this is very irritating. I just thought you should know that something went wrong with the registry cleaning function which could affect other users as well.
Other than this annoying problem I do wish to thank you for a great product. In 10 years this is the first time it has failed me, and I use it daily. A pretty good record actually.
I've cleaned registries for years and never had a problem. Yes, I created a backup as suggested by CCleaner before I cleaned. Yes, I made a system restore point before cleaning, But with no video capability it's impossible to start the PC in Safe Mode or any other way, hence backup and restore points can't be accessed.
I too used to use reg cleaners as part of my routine weekly/monthly maintenance regime.
and like you, one day it eventually bit me on the bum.
in short, reg cleaning is just not needed any more - hasn't been for a long time - especially with the ever moving goal posts that is Win10, reg clean makers just aren't keeping up.
Yep, I learned a lesson the hard way, mate. Never again will I clean a registry with this app or any other. Luckily the PC is still under warranty, so all I'm losing because of my mistake is a couple weeks of down time. It could have cost me a whole lot more.
No. The computer boots just fine, but there is absolutely no video output so I can't select boot options etc because I can't see them. I spent 2 hours with Alienware tech, and we tried everything to get a display including plugging the monitor into the PC display port which bypasses the video card. Nothing worked. Thank you for your input though. I asked the tech rep that exact question.
Windows should have its own video driver, and if all else safe mode should work -- unless there's some hardware failure. If you got one of those new RTX cards there were some reports on YouTube about them failing.
As I already stated, Andavari, I tried using the Windows display port which bypasses the vid card with no positive result. The vid card is an NVidia G-Force GTX 1080.
I tried another monitor and also tried using HDMI instead of Display Port. Alienware (Dell) now has the computer, so further discussion about remedies is irrelevant.