Registry Cleaner +Windows Media Encoder Bug!

I've discovered a bug in the Registry Cleaner module for a long time ,and I waiting that someone to dig it

Now, I have the newest version of cleaner but this bug is bing.

When run cleaner, if Choosed the 'acitvex and class Issues' under the menu 'Registry', the registry was cleaning up of 'Windows Media Encoder', then encoding functions in the command prompt is not available.

OS:windows xp sp2 64-bit

Encoder:Windows Media Encoder x64


The following instructions:


cscript.exe "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\WMCmd.vbs"

-silent -a_codec WMA9STD -a_mode 2 -a_setting Q75_44_2 -input "inputfilename" -output "outputfilename"



An error occurred while finalizing the encoding process (Object not found)


So,if would like to use Encoder must to reinstall the 'Windows Media Encoder'.This is really a nuisance!

Sorry! I am Non-English-speaking, I just want to get CC to improve.zills

Hi zills,

You should only remove entries from your registry that you know you don't need.

Please Read my signature :)

Also if you made a backup of the reg entry you can just double click the backup and restore the removed entry(s)