Registry Cleaner - Same # of issues found at every Run?

Hello Everyone!

I have had this product for months and never had any issues until a few days ago. I currently have Windows 8.1 64-bit with the CCleaner Professional Edition. I noticed that upon running the Registry Scan for issues function, it has come back with the exact same 35 issues for days now. When I click to Fix issues, It says complete, but same ones return with a vengeance everyday?

I am very computer friendly and have tried almost everything to fix it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, I have uninstalled and delayed for a few days to allow time for computer to refresh and reinstalled cleaner and still same issue?

Any clue on how to fix this?



Are the issues all about the same thing?

Can you show a few examples?

Have you tried excluding them? (right-click on issue and select exclude)

You have the Pro edition so are entitled to direct support from Piriform, may be worth just contacting them.