registry cleaner not removing what it says it did

The TypeLib referenced at: Interface\{C0282E26-E060-44c9-B0FF-1AC71180D653} could not be located. These references are often left behind after uninstalling software.

Solution: Delete the registry key.

Once I request it to fix and it says it did. However, it comes up each time I request a registry clean.

APPEARS TO HAVE A BUG TO ME SINCE THIS SHOWS SAME Typelib each time I run it for months.


Always shows the following in registry clean:

Missing typelib IWinPwdSvc

Unable to delete this in registry key

Just because something comes up on the REGCleaner section does not mean that you SHOULD remove it.

In specific regards to IWinPwdSvc as I have said before IWinPwdSvc is a part of Symantec/Norton products (maybe other security Products too) The reason you can't remove it is that the security program sees you trying to remove it and says "Hey, that's not right, you must be malware trying to disable me by removing my secret Reg entries. I'm not going to let you do that."

Just because something comes up on the REGCleaner section does not mean that you SHOULD remove it.

In specific regards to IWinPwdSvc as I have said before IWinPwdSvc is a part of Symantec/Norton products (maybe other security Products too) The reason you can't remove it is that the security program sees you trying to remove it and says "Hey, that's not right, you must be malware trying to disable me by removing my secret Reg entries. I'm not going to let you do that."

Thanks Nergal for knowing what is causing that entry to show up in registry cleaner and it can not delete it. I never thought that NORTON

had a hidden entry in the registry like that.

I will ignore it each time I run registry cleaner but still remains a mystery why it took so many runs before I caught it in REGISTRY CLEANER.

Regarding Nergal's advice always to take the 'Backup Registry' option. I've recently seen comment from a magazine professional which said that he never bothers and has never had a problem. I must say I've never bothered and I've never had a problem either. The logic behind me not bothering is this: Why would I be wanting to persevere with a registry in which CCleaner had designated an entry an 'Issue'? I want a registry without 'Issues' so why would I keep one which had? I'd be interested in Nergal's reasoning apart from the obvious one that the registry was working OK with the 'Issue' before CCleaner found it.

Regards, Rog

Regarding Nergal's advice always to take the 'Backup Registry' option. I've recently seen comment from a magazine professional which said that he never bothers and has never had a problem. I must say I've never bothered and I've never had a problem either. The logic behind me not bothering is this: Why would I be wanting to persevere with a registry in which CCleaner had designated an entry an 'Issue'? I want a registry without 'Issues' so why would I keep one which had? I'd be interested in Nergal's reasoning apart from the obvious one that the registry was working OK with the 'Issue' before CCleaner found it.

Regards, Rog

LoL good thing I was googling myself (still sounds dirty. . . Googling)

Hi I back up just incase and will usually delete the reg entries soon after. The reason I DO suggest doing it is most people are not aware of what they remove and will often remove something they need that CCleaner does not recognize because developers are either crafty (like reg entries related to the antivirus software (see original post)) or stupid (those darn yourapp entries that show up becasue the programmer didn't fix the code when making VB software)

Sorry it took me soooo long to answer but there is no thread watch RSS (site developers see for an example. Yu almost have it as sometimes when an old thread gets a hit the first post gets resent through RSS (it's kinda confounding actually))