I have a little problem because I ran CCleaner but I forgot I had some encrypted files (encrypted with Folder Lock) and so it destroyed them (wich is, of course, what it must do - so the blame is just mine).
The thing is that, as I've read in the help files, I should have a registry backup in "My documents" but there's nothing there! Thereforre, I seem to have lost a bunch of information I REALLY need...
Any idea that could help??? Perhaps there was an extra option that I forgot to tick in order to CCleaner to save a backup???
The backup option is only for the 'Issues' section, not the cleaner. And you would have been asked before fixing any issues if you wanted to create a backup.
The backup option is only for the 'Issues' section, not the cleaner. And you would have been asked before fixing any issues if you wanted to create a backup.
Hey, thanks for the quick answer!
So you would say that it wasn't CCleaner what actually destroyed the files?
Where did you actually keep the files, C/my docs, etc, temp ?
P.S. Martin, welcome to the forum
Thanks for the welcome !
I'm not sure where the encrypted files go with the soft I'm using... It's Folder Lock.
It probably hydes the files modifying the registry because I've had a similar problem with Registry Mechanic. It seems like this last one identified the encrypted folder as a registry error and just fixed it... I only had to restore the backup then...
That's the reason why I think CCleaner may have identified the folder as an invalid key or something and fixed it.
Unfortunately, CCleaner does not make automatic backups, does it?
It's not a bother Martin, it's annoying when you lose something you need.
As JD said when you do an issues scan you are offered the choice of making a backup, with the cleaner you don't. A check of it before you clean would allow you to untick an item.
It's not a bother Martin, it's annoying when you lose something you need.
As JD said when you do an issues scan you are offered the choice of making a backup, with the cleaner you don't. A check of it before you clean would allow you to untick an item.
AFAIK CCleaner may have deleted only **the shortcuts to** those files.
Indeed this kind of applications make protected files "invisible for Windows",
so CCleaner don't do nothing wrong deleting their shortcuts, cause they
appears like "unuseful references to not existing files".
For MartinJamming:
Try this:
Go to the folder where Folder Lock is installed
(maybe C:\Program Files\FolderLock or C:\Program Files\Netsoftwares\Folder lock
or something similar, i don't know). Find the .exe file and double click it. Probably it will ask
you the password. Unlock all your protected files/folders, search them on your hard disk
(i cant know where they are, of course) and rebuild their shortcuts :-)
If don't works, try all this after reboot in Safe Mode.
Hope this helps
Hey, guys!
Thank you again for your effort and kindness!
As you said, the software company claims that files are "undeletable" but let me tell you that you can dissapear any file or folder encrypted with this (self-claimed) secure application just by running Registry Mechanic! As simple as that! No hacks, no weird techniques! It's happened to me before and, as I told you before, I just restored a backup...
And as I haven't used any other new application I though that CCleaner might have done the same thing that Registry Mechanic and therefore disspeared the files...
But know you guys tell me that, in any case (and bearing in mind I didn't even use the 'issues' section), CCleaner may have just erased any shorcut to my missing folder (which didn't even have a shorcut).
So I guess I'm done!
I have already written to Folder Lock because it's actually their fault... It's not that I'm just a guy who doesn't know what he's doing with his computer so they'll have to answer for this... I'm very careful with files I need to work and I would never had destroyed them.
So, THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN! You've been extremely kind to me!
As you said, the software company claims that files are "undeletable" but let me tell you that you can dissapear any file or folder encrypted with this (self-claimed) secure application just by running Registry Mechanic! As simple as that! No hacks, no weird techniques! It's happened to me before and, as I told you before, I just restored a backup...
And as I haven't used any other new application I though that CCleaner might have done the same thing that Registry Mechanic and therefore disspeared the files...
AFAIK there is no way for CCleaner to delete any file, unless they have some "typical crap"
extension (eg. .chk, .tmp .---, .gid, .old, and so on... ) AND/OR they are saved in some
"typical crap" folder (eg. \Temp, \Temporary Internet Files, and so on...).
Just learned reading the Folder Lock website, that Folder Lock can encrypt *AND/OR* simply hide
protected files. If they were hidden, they were hidden for any Windows application, including CCleaner,