Hey Guys
Wonder if you can advise me on something please. I have installed and run CCleaner, followed all the the links to the letter, but I have a total of 437GB files on the Disk Cleanup for my Acer. As I am not sure what to delete, can you help me out by telling me if I can delete the following files:
The following Windows Files have a Yellow Triangle with A QUESTION MARK INSIDE.
System Queued Windows Error Report, this has 4.86GB on it
System Archived Windows Error Report, this has 809KB on it
Per User Queued Window Error report, this has 217MB on it
Per User Archived Windows Error Report, this has 2.56 MB on it
System Error memory Dump Files, this has 239KB on it
Temp Files, this has 432GB on it
Please what should I delete and what should I keep.
I am using Vista and Office 2000
Yes I am a novice with computers