Recycle Context "Application Not Found"

New updated CCleaner [ V5.68.7820 (64 bit) Windows 7 Ultimate ]

Context menu "Run Cleaner" for recycle bin no longer functions.

It is still there but if I click it, it throws error "Application Not Found"

How do I fix this error?

That usually only happens if for instance you use the portable version and move it to a different location, or if you go from using an installed version to a portable version or vice-versa.

Easy Fix:

1. Open CCleaner.

2. Go into: Options > Settings

3. Untick/disable the following two boxes:

* Add "Run CCleaner" option to Recycle Bin context menu

* Add "Open CCleaner..." option to Recycle Bin context menu

4. Tick/enable them to restore the functionality.


If you don't use that feature you can also leave them unticked/disabled which completely removes them from the Recycle Bin context menu.