Recuva will not run on install.

Anyone any ideas?

I'm using windows 7 (64 bit).

The program seems to install ok, I have the shortcuts etc, but it will not open.

Additionally, I wanted to subscribe to latest releases. I've filled in the verification code (captcha) but I am not receiving a verification email......

That's not helpful at all!

This also happens to me.

Seems to be a library not installed. People of Piriform must rebuild the installer or inform on libraries needed (prerequisites) to be installed.

Are you able to run Recuva portable?

No. recuva64.exe appears on process list (7188 Kb - 0% CPU) but the form is not showing.

miguelponte you have not said what operating system you are using.

Are you admin?

What anti-virus do you run?

Does Recuva run in Windows safe mode?