Recuva will not delete

I have the latest version of RECUVA and Window 7 64bit.

RECUVA works brilliantly in recovering files, pictures etc,, however it will not delete the recovered files.

  1. I highlight the files
  2. I check the files
  3. I right click
  4. Clicking "Secure overwrite highlighted" or "Secure overwrite checked" has the same effect
  5. A box appears warning me that proceeding will remove the files "forever"
  6. I click it and almost immediately a box appears "Operation complete"
  7. All files are listed with the notation "Not overwritten - More data available"

And nothing is deleted.

Can anyone assist? Please.

I've got the same problem...since I upgraded to the latest Recuva version. I posted the question also.

Moderator - Please provide input if available. If secure delete does not work, this tool is basically useless

Moderators are only members with de-spam privileges. If you restore a file why are you trying to also remove the same file. AFAICT, it can't overwrite it because you restored it, it is now a live file and no longer occupies the MFT where the scan found it.

Thanks NERGAL but the point I make, is that I use CCleaner, to destroy files, then use Rucuva to check if the job was done.

Recuva finds files that can easily be deleted. So if I can find them with Recuva, anyone can.

So CCleaner is ineffective.

Likewise, Recuva purports to be able to completely wipe files it recovers. It doesn't.

So Recuva is also ineffective.

I will be very happy to be proven wrong.


You have never bothered to ask for advice on how to ensure that CCleaner will destroy your files

so defective Installation or defective Windows system or User Error is more likely than CCleaner being ineffective.

Perhaps when Recuva says "Operation complete" it is indicating that it has intructed your Windows Operating system to over-write the relevant sectors,

It would seem that perhaps Recuva instructs Windows to overwrite the designated files

and then it says "Not overwritten - More data available" because it knows that Windows installation is not doing the job.

There SHOULD be a way to access that "More data available" but I am afraid that I am only a product user,

and have never been faced with that situation,

so do not know if a "Right Click" at the appropriate spot would show you.

Maybe your Windows Logs might give you help.

We've no idea what you're doing with CC.

You're getting an error message with Recuva saying that the files weren't overwritten. I have no experience of this message so I don't know what's causing it, although it seems from a peremptory Google that it is a Windows generated error.

On this basis you're saying that CC and Recuva are ineffective?

I'll repeat my mantra: If you can read an overwritten file then either it hasn't been overwritten or you're looking somewhere else.

(PS Written before seeing Alan's post)