Recuva scan time

I am running Recuva scan on a 512gb SD card to recover photos from a trip. I has been running for approx a day and a half at this stage.

"Stage 1 of 3: Scanning drive for deleted files

Current Progress: 39%, 623 file(s) found

Estimated time left: 3 days"

Does this sound normal?

It still seems to be making progress but so slowly.

The number of files found sounds about right and hasn't changed since the scan started.

Should we just wait it out?

I think I picked 'deep scan'. Should I try again and just tick 'scan for non-deleted files'? The SD card hasn't been written over. We took it out of the camera and when we put it back in it wouldn't read it and asked for us to reformat it (which we didn't do).

I'm reluctant to start again and lose all the progress made so far but it does seem to be taking an awfully long time.

Any suggestions?

PS not very tech savvy!

It's abnormal. I can run a deep scan on a 256mb SD card in (I guess, haven't run one recently) around half an hour, and that's with the card still in the camera attached by usb. So a 500mb card should be done in an hour or two at the most. I guess the timing depends on many things, not least how the card became corrupted. Also Recuva seems to have a habit of nodding off, if not actually sleeping. I don't know what it's doing.

What would you suggest? Start again?

....given that it is still making progress (albeit very slow progress). Now at 41%, still 3 days left...

(thanks for your reply :-))

4 hours ago, Augeas said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		So a 500mb card should be done in an hour or two at the most.

I think the card is 512gigabytes not megabytes

yes...512 gigabytes (not megabytes).

It's still working away. Can't bring myself to stop it in case I lose all the time already spent scanning!

Current status:

"Stage 1 of 3: scanning drive for deleted files

Current progress: 48%, 623 file(s) found

Estimated time left: 2 days"

I never pay too much attention to 'estimated time left' in any software.

Estimated is just a fancy word for a guess. Some are better guessers than others.

Too often I've seen them wildly innacurate and suddleny drop from hours to seconds and then finish.

Just let it do it's thing, unless you get fed up of waiting.