Recuva opens momentarily then abrubtly shuts down

Hi, I download the latest version of Recuva and installed it, but when I go to run the program it opens fine but when I start to search for deleted files it goes to around 7% and then the program shuts down and disappears from my screen.

Any ideas what is causing this to happen?

Thanks for your time.

Hello UBB,

Follow the instructions at this link.

Thanks, :) davey

Hello UBB,

Follow the instructions at this link.

Thanks, :) davey

Hi, davey

I ran recuva in debug mode but it failed to create the Error_log[date].txt file. I installed to C:\Program Files\Recuva, and I'm in there now looking and have hit refresh but no .txt files are present.

Hello again,

Did you see the word DEBUG in the top banner?

Is the file hidden?

Never had to DEBUG myself.

:) davey

P.S. I have now used DEBUG mode for RECUVA.It creates txt file called Recuva log XXXXXXXX

X= date and time click on log it shows DEBUG info .

DEBUG does show in banner at top of window .I hit SCAN let it run a little then hit cancel to stop.

Hello again,

Did you see the word DEBUG in the top banner?

Is the file hidden?

Never had to DEBUG myself.

:) davey


Yes, I can see debug in the banner.

I found out what the problem was. I am in my primary limited account and used runas to launch recuva. Recuva would not generate that debug log until I logged in with my admin account and ran it again. I can usually do just about anything from my limited account using runas but this is one of those rare exceptions.

Thanks for the replies.

Here's the contents:

[2008-02-23 19:08:00] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.10.223

[2008-02-23 19:08:00] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Core2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

[2008-02-23 19:08:07] [iNFO ] No update available

[2008-02-23 19:08:20] [iNFO ] Boot sector:










[2008-02-23 19:08:20] [iNFO ] Reading MFT

[2008-02-23 19:08:20] [iNFO ] Reading files

For some reason I expected the log to be longer than that.Did it shutdown again at 7 %?

Anyway Good Luck!

ARE you just testing or is there something IMPORTANT you are trying to recover?

The more you use that computer the greater chance of overwriting it unless it is an old file.

:) davey

For some reason I expected the log to be longer than that.Did it shutdown again at 7 %?

Anyway Good Luck!

ARE you just testing or is there something IMPORTANT you are trying to recover?

The more you use that computer the greater chance of overwriting it unless it is an old file.

:) davey

Yes, when I ran it from the admin account it still crashed at 7%... well it's kinda hard to tell at what percent because it flashes off the screen so fast.

Yeah, I heard about the program in another forum so I was just testing it out. I'm not trying to recover any file in specific. I did a freespace wipe recently so I doubt there is much for me to recover anyhow.

I like the interface of the program and was really hoping to get to play with it.

Yes, when I ran it from the admin account it still crashed at 7%... well it's kinda hard to tell at what percent because it flashes off the screen so fast.

Yeah, I heard about the program in another forum so I was just testing it out. I'm not trying to recover any file in specific. I did a freespace wipe recently so I doubt there is much for me to recover anyhow.

I like the interface of the program and was really hoping to get to play with it.

It's coming along.Lots of members are testing it.

This sentence may be very important and interesting to MrRon.

I did a freespace wipe recently so I doubt there is much for me to recover anyhow.

What product did you use to do the freespace WIPING ?

See,all the information you guys provide really helps out!!!


:) davey

It's coming along.Lots of members are testing it.

This sentence may be very important and interesting to MrRon.

What product did you use to do the freespace WIPING ?

See,all the information you guys provide really helps out!!!


:) davey

I used heidi eraser to do the freespace wipe. Basically, I've been wanting a new program to verify that my wipe program was doing its job. I have been using a freeware program called Restoration, but I've been searching for something more powerful. I'm hoping Recuva will be that. A better way to verify this would probably be to use some sort of forensic tool and poke around with that.

I just ran Restoration and it's finding some items, so there are some items to be recovered. Mostly my firefox cache, dll's, and whatnot.

I have the same issue but my Recuva crashes at 83% I'm using the latest 1.111 version

[2008-02-25 16:31:44] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.11.257

[2008-02-25 16:31:44] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Genuine Intel CPU T2300 @ 1.66GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M

[2008-02-25 16:31:45] [iNFO ] No update available

[2008-02-25 16:31:56] [iNFO ] Scanning C drive

[2008-02-25 16:31:56] [iNFO ] Opening path \\.\C:

[2008-02-25 16:31:56] [iNFO ] Boot sector:










[2008-02-25 16:31:56] [iNFO ] Reading MFT

[2008-02-25 16:31:56] [iNFO ] Reading files