Recuva is such a joke!

Recuva does not work at all!

I downloaded a program from Recover my files since I need to recover tousends of deleted potos taken this summer. This program found almost everyone of tem but.. its not a free program so I cant get to my photos.

So I downloaded recuva, which showed to be a joke! It found only 3 000 files (yes I did use the more evasive scan), non of them is my deleted photo files and it has ignored 100 000 of the files. DUH! Those are the files I need recuva!

Well "recover my files" and "easyus" companies charge 70 dollars to recover your files so why would programs like recuva do it for free? It had to be too good to be true....

Sorry to hear about your data loss, few things are more sickening - but Recuva is no substitute for a well practiced backup regime.

Any recovery software should be treated as "I have nothing else to try, might as well throw the dice one more time" approach.

Almost all recovery software will find your lost files, even recover them. It is only when you try to open them you discover how useable they are.

It all depends on how they were lost, medium used, use of device, recovery location any many others.

give us more info to work on.

how were they lost?

from what device?

OS version?

techniques tried to recover?

but at the end of the day, if $70 will get your lost, 100,000 must-have, can't find any other way, photos back - that's a no-brainer in my book.

It might be that rana-e is in a rage and will not respond. Hopefully I am wrong and she will roar back in and a reply to your questions.