Recuva "Ignoring" Files

I started a recovery on a damaged disc with pictures from one of my biggest swim meets, and Recuva is saying it found all the 956 pictures, however, it says 2 files found (954 ignored). I'm wondering how to get it to NOT ignore the files, because those are the absolute priceless ones. Please, any help will be so much appreciated.....

Go to Options/Actions and tick the top three boxes (you don't even have to scan again). The bad news is that if this shows your ignored files it's because they're zero bytes in length, and so unrecoverable.

You could try a normal scan with Scan for Non-Deleted File checked. Failing that, try a deep scan.

I selected the top three boxes already, however, it is still ignoring the files.

I always assume people are running in Advanced Mode. Are you running in Advanced Mode or using the Wizard? If wizarding, press the top r/h Switch to Advanced Mode box, and then clear anything that's in the Filename or Path box.

Yea... 492.. thousand.. ignored files. Free Version, advanced, 3 boxes checked..


Augeas, on 08 Jan 2011 - 2:58 PM, said:Augeas, on 08 Jan 2011 - 2:58 PM, said:

and then clear anything that's in the Filename or Path box.

Advice that's still good after exactly three hours short of five years. When you've done that you'll still get a count of ignored files, so check the fifth box. Things have changed in five years.

Just in case you missed the attached photo, the option as previously mentioned by Augeas is "Scan for non-deleted files (for recovery from damaged or reformatted disks)". This helped me recover ~5k files. Thank you Piriform, Kainoa for the original question ask, and Augeas for the answer!

Now it is my turn. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Add me to your happy camper list, Augeas & Kainoa. I just got back from Colorado photograping Wild Mustangs. I've waited 6 months to do this and spent $$$ getting there. I don't take my CF card out of my camera because the pins in the camera were damaged and fixed and I am afraid to pull the CF card out so I download after each shoot. I spent all night trying to recover a reformatted card that had the horses on it. I was devestated. After more hours, I finally decided to pull the CF card out and take my chances. Still no picters. Then I came across this thread and thanks to all of the above and the recuva program I have my Wild Mustang Pictures! Thanks again!

I am having this same issue of ignored files and unfortunately I did not have the same success. Any more suggestions? I tried buying the product in hopes it would help but no luck.

What exactly is your problem? Have you done everything advised in this thread?

Hi. Having the same prob. Recuva is ignoring files and not allowing me access. EaseUs on the other hand has also found the files and will allow recovery but as they are large files the free program won't allow more than 2gb. I have recuva pro so don't want to also have EaseUs pro. Need to recover these files.

Hi. Having the same prob. Recuva is ignoring files and not allowing me access. EaseUs on the other hand has also found the files and will allow recovery but as they are large files the free program won't allow more than 2gb. I have recuva pro so don't want to also have EaseUs pro. Need to recover these files.

Hi, Ben. Just had the same problem as you. Recuva didn't help, even after trying all the steps described in this thread. Tried TestDisk & PhotoRec and worked like a charm. Good luck!