Recuva ignores everything in a directory.

My computer is simply f***ed up; there's no other way to put it. I've been trying to copy some important files to an external hard drive, but the 11th blue screen I got deleted a bunch of those while I was copying them. Recuva helped me recover some of the files, but the computer crashed again and just messed everything up. Now, when I try scanning the same folder for lost files, it says that 0 files have been found and that almost 240000 were ignored. I cannot provide the exact number at the moment, as I am still struggling to turn on my computer. Regardless, I've tried everything; all the filter-related boxes in the options are checked, and I've tried scanning using both the advanced mode and the wizard. I haven't actually ran a deep scan because it just gets stuck on 0% for a ridiculous amount of time, but I am also pretty sure that I don't need to; the number of ignored files is identical to the total number of files that were found when the program did work. Any form of help is highly appreciated, this thing's been driving me crazy for several hours now, and my computer's started acting this way almost 4 days ago. I don't know how to deal with this but I just want to save those files, because they honestly mean that much to me.

I just turned it on and Recuva found about 1000 files this time, although it found 8000 the previous time, and those missing 7000 are the ones I want. The only 2 boxes that aren't actually checked are the deep scan one and the save all settings to INI one in the advanced tab. I need your help, I really do. So tired and frustrated and this is just too much.

Recuva basically ignores everything in a single specific directory, but it didn't earlier and I need those files.

Does your pc still blue screen if you run in safe mode?

If it doesn't blue screen try running recuva while in safe mode.

What operating system?

Windows 7. While in Safe Mode, it doesn't let me change the settings and provides me with a "can't find the registery key for recuva" message - at least, that's what I think it was.

It ignores ALL the files in that one directory either way, with literally all boxes checked, and a deep scan just doesn't work as after it got to the same number of files the quick one got to it just got stuck at usual. Left it on overnight and it got to 1%, saying 18 days were left, so I closed it. It didn't find any new files either, and ignored everything in the directory as well.

Were the files you are trying to recover deleted or were they just not possible to reach because of the state of your machine?Are you able to remove the drive and mount it in another machine as an external hardrive to try that way to get the files off?

What about getting a friend to burn a linux disc/usb for you so you could try booting with that to get your files off?

Something along the lines of this...

I don't think I can connect it to another computer. The files I was trying to recover were detected the last time I used Recuva, and I even managed to restore about 40% of them to an external hard drive. However, my computer crashed in the process, and when I turned it back on to restore those same files, it ignored all of them. All boxes are checked, except deep scan and save to INI.

Recuva ignored all of the files in that folder. When I tried scanning the folder it branched from, the one it was in, the folder was not even there, as well as several other files. Recuva found 15 files and ignored 223397. I'm gonna check for a way to connect it to another computer and try scanning there, but I still need help with this problem.

And now it's 2 folders. Didn't do a single thing since last night. The second folder isn't very important, but I'm pointing it out because it's another thing Recuva didn't ignore earlier but is ignoring now.

What does it mean when Recuva doesn't find a file, even with everything checked?

You really need to stop using the machine and get the files off using your drive mounted in another machine or booting from linux.

Do you know how to do that?

If not, as a matter of urgency take the machine to your local pc repair shop who should be able to get the files off for you before the drive fails completely.

I knew how to do it, and it worked! The other computer found the files on an entirely different folder, although my own machine didn't spot them at all. Thanks a lot! You don't know how much you've helped me.

I am really happy to hear you got your files back :)