Recuva goes massivly beyond 100%

I have used Recuva once before about a year ago for an old external hard drive and now unfortunately I need it's services yet again. This time I seem to have hit a snag.

As soon as I start the process Recuva finds 7773 files but then proceeds to do nothing. It never leaves stage 1 of scanning the drive and the current progress zooms into an increasingly massive percentage I have no wish to work out with the estimated time remaining fluctuation between 7 hours and around 50 days.

I believe my hard drive has had some form of logic failure to do with not safely removing. It was working up until about 12 hours ago and then when I tried to access it this morning I was given an error that the files were either corrupt or something.

Attatchd is a screen shot taken shortly after I first started running it.
