Recuva - Finds Overwritten Files - Unable to view once restored.

Hey guys. I recently tried out Recuva. The program is able to find all the deleted files, but many files come without preview. I looked into the properties of each picture through Recuva and the ones with no preview have been overwritten by other files (such as music still currently on the memory stick). I try to restore anyways, but once restored, Irfanview can't open due to unknown file format or file not found.

Is there a way to recover and view these overwritten files?

Thank you for your help.


Short answer: No.

Long answer: These files have been partially overwritten by other files ; for example, a file with "Hello, World" inside might become "Hello, Wo928" because the last three letters have been overwritten by something that is not text. (that's a simplified example - it's a bit more complicated than that). Thus, they cannot be fully recovered.