Recuva doesn't Find My Camera on USB

Hi folks, first time in.

I've downloaded and run Recuva in an attempt to retrieve an AVI file that was deleted by accident. A friend of mine said he's used this software for the very thing, but each time I try to scan it doesn't recognize the camera.

The cable is fine, as is the camera, and my computer recogizes it just fine. I'm at a loss here, and any help will be greatly appreciated.



does the computer see it as a drive (assign it letter)

No, it simply recognizes it as Canon PowerShot S5 IS. Thanks for the reply.

sadly recuva and most disc retrieval software requires windows to recognize the device and storage. Can You remove the memory card and place it in a reader?

Ah, that makes sense. Never thought of it. The only thing that will read my card other than the cam is my printer, and that doesn't show up at all in the list.

I know nothing about card readers, perhaps I better start searching them out. Hope they're not expensive. Thanks for your help.

they're like 10-20 dollars US you can get them at most pharmacies, grocers

you can prob get one from amazon for even cheaper (if you willing not to use the card until it arrives)

However just to make sure

quit recuva

insert the card into the printer (I assume the printer is connected to the computer via usb)

see if the computer mounts it, if so run recuva.

Yes, the printer is connected via USB. Cheers, I'll give it a shot.

cool, I get alerts when you reply,so let us know and we'll move forward from there :)

Thanks, mate. Heading out to get some work done in my greenhouse, so I'll pipe in later. Many thanks for the help.

Sorry about not getting back; bit of an hectic day.

So, foolish me forgot that we had a card-reader in a bonus pack of USB goodies we got when we bought our last lappie. Recuva worked fine, and even though the file was a bit buggered, VLC managed to clear up the AVI with but one small glitch. My vid of a Leonard Cohen concert (one tune) came out pretty damn good, for a still cam.

Thanks for your help in this, Nergal. Hope you're having a good weekend.


Glad it all worked out :)