Recuva does not recognize SGS III internal SD

Hi I have an important video that I need to recover from internal SD card of SGS III. But recuva only recognizes internal discs of the PC and not external discs. Any suggestions?

I have rooted the SGS III and switch UMS mode on but it still doesnt help.


Recuva can only recognize devices that mount as a drive letter, I've yet to find a way of mounting my SG4 as a drive only a media device or camera.

Does the Galaxy not have a "Mass Storage" option with a card inside?

My lowly inexpensive Samsung (not very old), has this option with a Micro SD card inside.

Recuva won't recognize the phones internal memory, but it will recognize the memory card, as will the computer when I choose the "Mass Storage" option I get when connecting with a memory card installed.

I transferred all my contacts to the memory card and I also store all music and photographs on it. If I ever have problems in future, the card can be scanned in the phone, or removed and scanned directly connected to your computer.

I'm gob smacked if the Galaxy can't do this.


Edited after slightly misreading the first post.

the option of mass storage is only available after rooting and installing one of the apps that can do it, but recuva still wouldnt recognize it as a disc (letter). Im getting hopeless :(

If Recuva can't do anything for you, have a try with the free version of iCare Data Recovery.


The only catch with it is you are limited to 2GB of recovered files, so if your video is smaller than that it is supposed to be able to scan a phone.

If it's bigger than 2GB, I'll have a look later for something else and get back to you.