recuva data recovery

I am trying to recover some data I deleted on my WD Mybooklive. This device is connected via my network.

Recova is not detection this device as an external disk.

Any one any suggestions on how to have recuva scan this device?


if Recuva can't see the drive, it can't scan it - obviously :)

the drive needs a letter assigned to it for Recuva to work.

so the first question is why has your WD got no letter? is the unit faulty or just the drive/s or the network settings?

the WD Live is pretty simple to pull the plastic molding open and remove the drive.

i pulled one apart about 12months ago, and from memory WD set them up as mirrored and i had to use a Linux OS to access it.

so try that if you can.

I am unsure Recuva if can access data from a network drive, it may have to be a local physical one. (although apparently the business edition can)

Are you able to plug the drive into the machine you have Recuva installed on?