Recuva crashes, but only when scanning certain drives

Hello Everybody

My system :
Win 10 22H2
2 internal SSD drives 250 GB each
3 external HDD drives, USB conected (via hub), all Western Digital
E: 8 TB
F: 4 TB
G: 4 TB
All have one GPT partition each, NTFS formatted
I am using Recuva v1.54.120 (64 bit) free version


“Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Entschuldige, du kannst keine Medienelemente in einen Beitrag einbetten.”

which you only get to know after you succesfully drag + dropped them in the text.

I have the following problem :

When i scan the internal drives or E: Recuva works fine
When i scan F: or G: Recuva crashes with this error message :

SEE ABOVE message approximatly :
Recuva does not work properly and will be closed.
We will contact you when a solution is availible.

The eventviewer shows the following :

How nice and very informative would be a screenshot right here !!!

The only difference of the three HDD’s is

  1. Size
  2. F: and G: have a “readyboost can’t be used with this drive” notion
    while E: has no Readyboost tab in the options.

I deactivated AVAST but to no avail.

Can anybody help ?
Thanks in advance

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Have you tried each drive in turn connected directly to a USB port rather than to a hub?
Or tried swapping say E and G on the hub to see if G can then be scanned in that port on the hub?
(The ports on a hub may not be functionally identical).

PS. Do you really need to recover data from all 3 drives?

Thank you for your fast reply.
Please note that drive E: is ok, problems are F: and G:

I do not want to recover data but to see if there are any obsolete entries in the F: and G: MFT’s
because there were many on E:
I meanwhile found out that CrapCleaner drive wiper + option “clean free MFT”
does the job, at least it worked with E: and now i would like to know if it will work with F: + G:
as well - haven’t done it yet.

I am sorry for not giving all the necessary information what i have done before posting :
I started out with G: and
connected it directly to an USB port on the desktop Recuva Crashed
did quick format RC
did low level format RC
deleted the partition with windows then new partition and format with windows RC
deleted the partiton with diskpart then new partition with diskpart then format with windows RC
deleted the partition with AOMEI partition master then new partition with APM RC
checked with TESTDISK
all data seem to be gone but i would really like to countercheck that with Recuva.

Well any sugestions are welcome and thank you again for your effort
Have a nice day

I started out with G: and
connected it directly to an USB port on the desktop No Sucess = Recuva crashed
did quick format NS
did low level format NS
deleted the partition with windows then format NS
deleted the partiton with diskpart then format NS
deleted the partition with AOMEI partition master NS

I’d suggest that you give it a go then to see if it achieves what you are trying to do.

If not then I would still suggest connecting each drive directly rather than through the hub, and trying the MFT wipe again.
Sometimes using a hub just adds an extra complication into things.

Hello NukeCad

Yes i did connect both drives to a desktop USB port but it didn’t work.
And I runned CCleaner drive wipe with MFT option activated on both drives.
But to see if the obsolete MFT entries have been removed -
thats exactly what i need Recuva for !
Or do you know any other (free :wink: software i could use ?

Have a nice day

As wipe MFT workd on E, then you have to assume that it worked on the others too.

I don’t know why Recuva would be crashing with them though?
It suggests that something about them must be different.

There are plenty of other free or trial recovery softwares out there that you could try, for what you want to do then a trial scan should be enough.
However as I’m sure you appreciate this is a company forum and recommending rival products is (generally) against the forum rules and not something we do (well not often anyway).
Any browser search should find others.

Thanks for your patience anyway !
Good Luck