for a mistake i authorized Firefox on Android device to delete the download list but unespectedly it actually delete hundreds of dowload file in the default folder.
i wanted just to delete the last download suspended , and partially downloaded but it happened the inverse; it deleted all the rest except the last one. So i am interested to recover files just from the download folder.
I don't think it is a normal behaviour on Mozilla for what i read, at least in the Windows version it should delete just the list not the actual files.
However after to have installed Recuva free on Windows 10 i can't recover the files on the main android memory because Recuva see it as a disk player , in the same way of the cd/dvd recorder unit, and so asks to load a disk.
How can i do to set the smartphone as external hard drive or external memory on Windows 10 : is an HTC one with Android 5.x which hasn't expansion memory cards possibility, and i can explore and manage as usual the memory in the path: units and devices > HTC one > INTERNAL MEMORY but this memory disk seems not visible by Recuva.
many thanks