Hello everyone,
last week my Seagate Desktop External Drive suffered a fatal error in a power outage.
I've tried a few things already:
Using CHKDSK in CMD won't work because the format is RAW, not NTSF or FAT.
Opening the drive in any file explorer results in
"Location is not accessible.
J:/ is not accessible.
The parameter is incorrect."
Using Recuva results in the error below.
Does anybody have any idea what I can try next?
I've pretty much resigned myself to the loss of the drive and all files in it, but as Recuva came recommended by a friend I figured I'd slap this post on here.
Thanks in advance.
Bumping this in the hopes of attracting some attention. I'd really like these files back.
Sorry no one replied.
I'm by no means an expert on Recuva (I've never had to use it) but I believe that it cannot read RAW.
Some have reported some success with using partitioning software or doing a "Quick Format" to NTSF to rebuild partitions and then recovering, but results can be variable.
This old thread may help give you some ideas
Hey Nukecad,
I just ran Minitool Partition Wizard's Data Recovery program and it came back with this:
I think it might be time to just format the drive to a workable format. That won't erase the files on it, will it?
when I try that it says the following:
On 08/10/2020 at 08:54, iamconfusedpleasehelpme said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
I just ran Minitool Partition Wizard's Data Recovery program and it came back with this
I think it might be time to just format the drive to a workable format. That won't erase the files on it, will it?
(Ignore what Pistle said, he was a spammer).
Did you try to partition the drive to NTFS with Minitool?
It obviously had the same problem as Recuva and can't read the files system because the drive is currently RAW.
A 'Quick format' with Windows should also just rebuild the partitions/file system and not overwrite the deleted data, a 'Full format' would aso check the disk for bad sectors.
See these:
There is always going to be a risk that the more you do to the disc the less chance of recovering anything you will have.
A Quick format/repartition is a way to try to get a RAW disc readable if you can't get to the deleted data any other way.
Once it's partitioned then the recovery software should be able to read it and may be able to recover files.
As by this stage you have usually already resigned yourself that the data is probably lost anyway then there is not much to lose by trying it.
I don't really see how a quick format gels with saving my files, though.
The quick format should get the disc from the RAW format to a partioned format that the recovery software can read. As you have found most recovery software (that's available to non-forensic users) can't read/recover from RAW.
Only once the recovery software can actualy read the partioned disc do you have any chance to recover any data from it.
It's been a while but I've got some sad news. I can't quick format the drive.