Recuva can't find a file I JUST deleted from recycle bin

I deleted a word doc and quicky looked up a recovery program and downloaded recuva. I tried many of the different options including deep scan. Please help!

Looking up a recovery program - i.e browsing - creates hundreds of files on your pc. Downloading and installing Recuva creates 60+ files. Any of these could have overwritten your deleted file, especially the entry in the Master File Table.

Files sent to the recycler are renamed, according to which Windows version you have, so if the file has survived so far it might be there under a different name.

There are too many variables to say whether the file still exists and is recoverable, but the odds are unfortunately not good.

Although the name of the file was changed, it is possible that the last time stamp and file size might be preserved.

So sorting the results on the relevant time or size column might allow you to choose possible candidates - if you know the size or date/time