Hello, I'm trying to recover some deleted text messages and photos from my phone. I copied the internal memory from the phone onto a micro sd card and ran Recuva. I just left it on the default option to recover everything. The scan found a lot of recoverable files so I recovered them to a folder on my PC hard drive. I was able to get all of my photos back but the problem I'm having is where do I find the text messages? Should I be looking for a certain file extension and if so what would that be?
You can't. Sorry text messages aren't stored on the user accessible part of the drive. The only way to do this would have been to have something such as Avast Backup or Titanium Backup backing them up on a daily basis
My wife accidentally deleted all the photos from her Galaxy Trend Plus, I was there and had her turn off the phone immediately in hopes of not overwriting anything. In any case I've copied everything from the 'My Files' app on the phone to an sd card and then copied that data to windows and ran Recuva on the full folder (with deep scan) and no files were found.
How did you copy your internal memory to the sd card that Recuva was able to recover your photos? Or is there something else I'm missing? Any help would be great. Recuva looks like really solid software after some of the others I've tried. I hope it can help with this.