I have a Seagate 2 TB external drive that's gone wonky. Windows sees it, and shows the directory structure, but won't let me access any of the files.
So I tried Recuva. I set it to look for non-deleted files. It sees the drive as well but isn't able to find anything on the drive. Is there anything I can do to improve Recuva's results?
May be a permissions issue. Does it say 'access denied' ? Are you admin?
Are the file attributes set to show full read and write and are not marked as hidden?
Recuva attempts to scan the drive. It eventually shows me this error message:
Failed to scan the following drives:
L:The device is not ready
I have a Seagate 2 TB external drive that's gone wonky. Windows sees it, and shows the directory structure, but won't let me access any of the files.
Any error messages at this point? What exactly is happening?