I've just started using CCleaner and i tried the reg cleaner but everytime i fix the selected reg entries and then re-scan. The same entries come up as needing deletion. This happens even after restarting my machine line in a perpetual loop.
Ne ideas?
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I've just started using CCleaner and i tried the reg cleaner but everytime i fix the selected reg entries and then re-scan. The same entries come up as needing deletion. This happens even after restarting my machine line in a perpetual loop.
Ne ideas?
I have the same problem, I have tried the fix posted here: http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=8588 but the problem with 3 recurring "items" persist
I take it you had no problem running dial-a-fix and rebooted afterwards.
Can you show a screenshoot of the items (or list them) and also give your operating system.
I take it you had no problem running dial-a-fix and rebooted afterwards.
Can you show a screenshoot of the items (or list them) and also give your operating system.
No problems with dial-a-fix except that it didn?t solve the problem.
The problem itself is solved; it was due to the wrong permissions on those reg keys.
I solved it by applying the fix described here. --> http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/200.../04/739820.aspx
Keys that reapered all the time
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders]"C:\\Program Files\\BOINC\\"="1"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders]"C:\\Documents and Settings\\USER\\Start Menu\\Programs\\DAMN NFO Viewer\\"=""[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders]"C:\\WINDOWS\\winsxs\\x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.163_x-ww_c8be176f\\"=""
OS: Win XP PS2
Great that you got it fixed, and thanks for letting everyone know about the fix you used. ![:)]()
Hey, i hae these recuring file extensions such as google earth , avm avi, ect ect. i have treid to dlete these manually through reg edit bt it wouldnt allow me to. I need help please!
Hey, i hae these recuring file extensions such as google earth , avm avi, ect ect. i have treid to dlete these manually through reg edit bt it wouldnt allow me to.
How to reset the registry permissions:
- Click Start, Run, type in: regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor locate the registry key that won't delete, right click it, and select Permissions...
- Under Group or user names click Administrators.
- Under Permissions for Administrators, the Allow option must be for ticked for these permissions:
* Full Control
* Read
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
Do this for each registry issue that keeps reappearing in CCleaner.
hey thanx for all the help so far but im afraid to say each tim i attempt to do this it says
Unable to save permission changes on .........
Access is denied
Also incase its helpful i 4got to mention above in my last post that every time i just clicke on these enteries it says
Cannot open ...........
Error while opening
In order to change them you'll probably have to be logged in on your computer as the Administrator, or your user profile will have to be a part of the Administrators.
Hey yes i am already logged on as amdminstrator,
ne more ideas!
Have you tried in safe mode?
Hey....wat u mean safe mode. How do i access that?!![:D]()
Hey just went thru reg again today em (not in safe mode(?)) could delete (manually ) loads of values forom uninstalled games that were left behind but not those recurring files on CCleaner. Ps y wasnt CCleaner not picking up those uninstalled game files?
O well cheers ttyl
(safe mode (?))
Here is an easy article explaining how to get into Safe Mode.
Hey it s me again! bin real busy so didnt have much time but i have tried safe mode and it still didnt work...its getting very annoying at this stage!!!!
oh well ne help at all much appreciated!
Hey just lookin to upadatte u all...nd kinda lookin for a reply. newasy as in my last comment i said i couldnt delete thme ...even in dafe mode. neways all help appreciated Thanx