Does anyone know if the deleted files that are recovered are the actual files, or are they copies, which means wthere are then two copies on the hard drive.
A copy of the deleted file is created on your hard drive in the folder of your choice. The deleted file remains on the disk untouched and can still be seen using Recuva. You will therefore have two copies of the file. You can overwrite the deleted file with Recuva's secure delete option, should you so wish.
Does anyone know if the deleted files that are recovered are the actual files, or are they copies, which means wthere are then two copies on the hard drive.
In the digital world... where identical files can be created without errors... who can tell what is the original file except possibly with a timestamp?
When you move or delete a file... is it really gone? Or has the OS just lost track of it? Programs like Recuva prove it's harder to get rid of digital files than you thought.
Are they identical? You can do MD5 checksums on each. That would show if even on bit had changed.