Recovery results in DCM files


I am new to recuva, and have used it to recover files from a Seagate GoFlex hardrive that seems to be damaged. Enclosed two snapshots of the process, the recovered files come out in DCM extension, 1KB in size and I have nothing else.

Could you please help? Thanks, Mirou


According to this ancient thread they are, or could be, produced by the Memeo backup prog shipped with the Seagate drive. They don't seem to be much use outside of the backup/recovery process.

I can't see anything on you pic that has a dcm extension. Are you saying that Recuva recovers a file, changes the size and adds .dcm to it?

Hi sorry I could not upload the picture with the dcm files earlier as it was too large. Here it is now.

After I start the recovery process from a damaged file, i create the target folder and this is all i get there. Thanks, Mirou


I think I know what's going on

do you have explorer set to show known file type extensions?

My guess is you do not

The files you are seeing in recuva (picture 1)are being display as explorer is set, you are actually seeing file.ext.dcm but recuva ignores the .dcm (I'm going to agree this is a bug)

when you then recover them, windows explorer checks known extensions, say I don't know dcm and poof you get picture 2

a bunch of file-index files from Memeo

best practice for windows is to show extensions so I'm going to suggest this, followed by a rescan of the drive .BUT the developers/bug-fixers read all threads and IMVHO this IS a bug.

Hmm, I'm not so sure. The first list of files, as displayed by Recuva, is showing undeleted files and gets the list from the MFT. Recuva will recover any of these files no matter what the extension is, or whether there is one at all. Also the file sizes are well, not 1k.

What happens if one specific file is chosen to be recovered, to a new folder to keep things separate? What is recovered? With such a large amount of files - over a third of a million - it's best to go one step at a time.