Recovery of JPEG photos

I took a load of pics on the 5th March and managed to completely delete them on the 7th from the recycle bin after transferring them to another user account on my computer. They ended up first in my pictures and the 'recently changed' folder in Windows 7. By deleting this folder and the recycle bin all the photos disappeared!

Recuva is telling me they cannot be recovered.

They are on Facebook but the file size is now so small not worth bothering with but can they be recovered from there?

If Recuva cannot retrieve them for you, you'll have to try other options I'm afraid. Photos are precious things aren't they.

You could try getting in quick for this offer.

Although Recuva is probably telling the truth try viewing the scan in thumbnails, you may see some recoverable pics there. If so recover them to a separate drive.

You cold also try a deep scan, and view the much greater list again in thumbnails.

The real test of whether a file can be recovered and opened is to do just that.