Can anyone help m please? I have a memory card in my cell phone from which recordings were deleted. I am seeing them when I run Recuva however whenever I try to recover the files it just hangs there and nothing happens. I am running WIndows XP. Dont know what other info I need to provide.
What kind of phone and memory card do you have??
Would it be possible to use an eternal USB memory card reader instead??
Richard S.
I am using a Nokia Xpressmusic. I am not sure what kind of memory card it is except that it says Nokia 1G. I am seeing the files but when I try to recover the program just hangs up. I am thinking the program (recuva) is the problem. Seems I need to upgrade to the paid program.
There is no paid version of the program Tommy.
If you decide to pay it means you can get support via email from Piriform itself as opposed to the forum here.
How exactly are you trying to recover the files, to a different drive? Are you using an external card reader or are you just plugging your phone in?
There have been reports of hanging by other users unfortunately there hasn't been a fixed issued yet.
In the meantime try another recovery program if you still cannot get Recuva to work with your phone.
Richard S.
Thanks for this info. Clearly there is a bug in the program why it hangs like that. The deleted files are seen however I am just not able to retrieve them.
I am just plugging my phone in and trying to save the files to my computer.
If this is similar to your phone Tommy, then it's probably an 8gb microSD card.
Windows XP, using a card reader, will not recognize an 8gb memory card. When I first tried before I was aware of this limitation, XP just hung. The same behaviour you seem to be experiencing with your phone although you may have it connected directly via USB. I'm assuming USB from the info in that link above.
I've no idea if the "hang" is for the same reason.
To get around XP's card reader limitation I bought one of these USB adapters to get the pics off my daughters 8gb SD card. Mine only does SD, but this is a multi card adapter including microSD.
If nothing else works, and the pics are important, it may be worth the small investment to give it a try. Besides that, I find it an extremely useful little gadget as it transfers pictures a hell of a lot faster than the card reader used to transfer stuff off smaller cards like my 1 and 2gb SD cards. I use it all the time instead of the card reader.
Hope that helps.
Dennis D I should have pointed out that I am trying to recover recordings of telephone conversations and not pictures. Dont know if that makes much of a difference.
are the recordings of a card though? or are they saved to the phone's flash mem? if they are on the card then pop the card out of the phone and use a card reader as dennis suggested
a 15-in-1 card reader is probably > $20.00 US at your local walgreens/grocery/radioshack
Dennis D I should have pointed out that I am trying to recover recordings of telephone conversations and not pictures. Dont know if that makes much of a difference.
My bad Tommy, you did say recordings in your first post. A touch of the Piriform "brain fade" we get sometimes.