Having run a scan and identifying a number of files which can be recovered, if only some are selected and the 'recover' option taken and files recovered to a different drive, can other files be recovered later without doing a complete rescan (ie does recuva keep details of the found files for a particular drive which can be re-accessed).
As long as the Recuva scan is not closed then you can recover other files from the scan later. Bear in mind that Recuva will recover the data clusters whose addresses are held in the file entry. These clusters may be overwritten at any time so what was excellent on the scan may not be excellent later. Also the sctual file entry record may be overwritten: I've no idea what would happen then.
Your answer gave me the assurance I needed to do a number of runs to recover deleted files - I had to save deleted files from one large disc to a smaller one then transfer them to a different large disc.
Once I have completed this exercise comes the next task - so now a different question.
The next disc I have to try and recover the files from is one which seems to have been corrupted when the external usb connection failed when the disc was attached to the laptop.
The result is that the disc shows in Windows Disc Management (and in windows explorer) and I can change the drive letter BUT the disc is showing as RAW.
When the current operation is finished and I can connect the RAW disc again, will Recuva be able to read the drive and recover files (bearing in mind it does not have an apparent file system)?
If not, if I re-format the drive (which is what windows explorer says I have to do) will Recuva be able to recover the original files or would they be lost forever?
If Recuva can see the drive then a deep scan should produce some results. Try it (but don't have Scan for Non-Deleted Files checked). I would put off a format until there's no other option.
My first scan produced about 110,000 files found in which I recovered them.
However I was not “aware” of the recover file structure option. So I ran another scan in which only found 6,000 files (kinda of weird, given the fact that I have not done anything else but the first recovery) with a limited amount of folders.
Assuming that there was some "writing" going on to cause this behavior........How can I "start" from scratch and try to obtain the original folder structure?