So Gmail says once you click "delete forever", that the email is indeed gone forever. My question is would the email perchance be stored as a file on a hard drive that it could be recovered from?
Admittedly I'm no expert with Gmail, but from my knowledge, your emails are never stored locally on your PC, so the answer would be NO, Sorry.
That's what I figured. Thanks!
I use Thunderbird and my Gmail accounts to POP my mails, Outlook will store the mails within a .pst file. Then yes LuLu your emails are stored as a file on your system and on Gmail server.
If you do it the same way as I do it and not using the IMAP protocol you will be able to delete the files from the Gmail server and the mail will still be on your PC or delete it from your PC and still be on the Gmail server.
Deleting it from both locations will remove it for good then.
Thanks. I'll have to tell my brother about that since he's the one needing an email to be recovered. It won't help fix his current issue, but your advice will help safeguard for future issues. Appreciate it!!