I downloaded and successfully used recuva in deep scan to revover music files that had been deleted from a WD 500gb external. I see the files, they are listed in recuva as in an "excellent" state with "no overwritten clusters detected' but when I tick the boxes and try to save them to another external it shows a fast progress bar and 0 files transfered. Can someone please help me troubleshoot this. TY.
I'm using Windows XP 32bit, the drive is NTFS formatted and I am currently getting delayed write failure messages for that current drive while it is connected to my pc. I do still have the recuva revovery window open and running on this drive while I'm waiting for an answer so I don't know if that's related to the delayed write failures or not.
I think the delayed write failure may be due to bad sectors on this external drive I'm trying to pull data from. The problem with recuva appeared long before the delayed write failure did. The external spent hours hanging in that recuva window while I searched online for ways to troubleshoot my original problem of the files showing to be recovered but nothing being actually saved to the other drive.
I noticed the drive wouldn't spin down. Even after I closed recuva and attempted to safely remove the hardware, the drive wouldn't allow it because it was still performing some phantom operation. After shutting down the pc and waiting another 30 minutes the light on the drive was still signalling it was performing a task. I had to just pull the plug. All windows based tests say the drive is functioning fine. So, I'm going to try and troubleshoot the drive tonight and rerun recuva tomorrow. Hopefully that works.
Any recommendations on how to better retrieve the informatiion using advanced settings instead of the wizard? My tech skills are limited, and I'm not quite understanding what it means to restore the structure and retrieve partitions vs individual files. Can you explain what this means or how it works? Sorry to be such a pain. I did notice that the file path has a "?" in it and I'm not sure what this means. Thnx for any help you can give me.
The Advanced Mode doesn't give you a better chance of retrieval, it just seems rather more grown up and in control than the Wizard. I would always use Advanced mode. If the path has a ? then it means that it can't be determined. Any recovery restoring the folder structure will put these files under the root c:\.
Retrieve partitions? This isn't a feature of Recuva.
Have you tried turning off "Enable Write Caching" on the drive?
From your second paragraph above (post#3) it does seem to be causing you problems, and turning it off wouldn't do you any harm.
All of my external USB devices, flash drives and hard drives, are configured this way. In my humble opinion, delayed writes are an accident waiting to happen. (Accidental hot pulling)