Recovered .docx files are unreadable

I have the same problem as other members with a Word file I had mistakenly overwritten 3 days ago and was then recovered (green) by Recuva but can´t open them, below are 3 screenshots of this issue:

Screenshot 1:


Screenshot 2:


Screenshot 3:


Sometimes recuva will be green because the file's location is not currently overwritten, but it may have been sometime in those 3 days. Also if you attempt to restore the file to the drive that it once resided on an overwrite might be occurring.

Sadly, not every file that's green is going to be recovered in whole. This would hold true with Recuva and its competitors. I'm currently going through hundreds of my recovered mp3 files and finding many that are part of a song or two parts of different songs. The software I ended up using (can't remember if recuva or other) said they were recoverable. It's just magical luck (and a bit of mathematics) to get a file back.

What does 'mistakenly overwritten' mean? Did you delete the file? What are you recovering?