Hi, Hello to all, this is my first time posting. Hope the forum members can help.
I have deleted some images and videos on my Nokia N8 and need to "recuva" them. I tried to use recuva, but when selecting the drive to recover from, I can see the drive (phone's mass storage) when using recuva but cannot select the drive (phones mass storage) frustrating!!
Can Recuva be used to recover files from a mobile's mass storage? Has anyone else come across this? are there any solutions or advice anyone can give.
Hi, Only me again, just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to use Recuva to retreive deleted files from a storage device like a mobile phone, which has a Symbian OS. Since I cannot select the drive, I guess not. Strange thing is I can see the drive through Recuva, just cannot select it. Can anyone shed any more light on this.
If the device doesn't have a drive letter in Windows then Recuva or any other recovery program won't work, however if the deleted files exist on a memory card then using an external USB card reader maybe your only option.