Recently Opened files in Excel and Word

How do you clean recently opened files in excel and word ?

CCleaner doesnt do it on my computer any idea why ?

Thanks for your help,

Office version?

The last one Office 365 is it stored online somewhere ?

Office 2013 keeps them here; \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\Recent\

Office 365 is 2013, just on a monthly subscription (with some online steaming of features thrown in).

I have that folder as an EXCLUDE in CC so they don't get cleaned.

You will need an INCLUDE.

Ticking or unticking the Office 2013 box on Application tab in CC should give the same outcome. (I just wanted to be sure with my EXCLUDE)

The Office 2013 and 2010 are both ticked, i added the folder you mentioned to the INCLUDE Folder, i checked after cleaning and the files in there were deleted but i somehow still get links showing my recent files (mostly links to my One Drive).

Maybe One Drive Links are stored somewhere else ?

I don't use OneDrive so can't say - but I would not have thought so.

Word wouldn't care where the file comes from, it'll just keep that location in its Recent list.

Although not a solution, try this. When you first start Word, click Open Other Documents down the left side, right click one of the files in the Recent Documents list and select Clear unpinned documents.

When you added that INCLUDE did you put %UserProfile% in front of it?

No i didn't put the %UserProfile% i looked for the path directly through my user name.

Same diff, that would still work.

Well, that's the easy stuff covered, now for the left-of-centre ideas.

Maybe a registry corruption?, have you ever run the CC reg cleaner?

Maybe an Office corruption?, try running a Repair of Office?

Try these as recent file locations; (found them via a quick Google search)

