recent is a win folder is reqed for win to run proply

Hello to all.

I love CCleaner very much.

but recently i am getting this error message: Recent is a win folder and is reqed. for win to run prop.

Thankyou for any help.

Hi crazy_1,

Very interesting.

Please provide more details.

CCleaner version.

OS and version.

Can you do a search for files with Recent in the name?

Where are they?

What happens if you change the Recent options in the Cleaner window.

Explain what you do and then what happens?

What is the exact message?

:) davey

Recent is a legitimate windows file which can be found on xp in c\documents and settings\user\my recent documents. (may need to show hidden files) It is required for windows to run properly.

In windows 98 and ME somewhere different.

You haven't by any chance created a folder called recent to put things in have you?

As Davey said, please say your operating system and version of CCleaner, and if this has just happened after you updated CCleaner.