Reasons for Registry problems

Most times there is nothing to clean - nothing is broken.

Sometimes there are many things.

You tell me what is wrong, but not the reason.

For the reason I have to click on "Fix Selected Issues" even before I know if I want to fix them.

Then I have to tell it if I want a registry back-up,

Then I have to select each item in turn before I am given further information.

Invariably, for me at least, when there is something to fix I have just removed a package and there will be many dozens of things to fix, and invariably the reason will be "are often left behind after uninstalling software."

I would find it so much easier if the reason was announced on the main screen against each item. It would halve the number of entries per screen, but scrolling through twice as many pages is no problem at all. Then after a quick scan of every item, I can "Fix Selected Issues" and decide upon registry backup, and then I would not need to review and fix each and every issue in turn, instead I could simply click on "Fix All Selected Issues".

