Anyone else having issues with the latest version (1900) taking extremely long to clean? Took about 10 minutes to clean 179 meg and less than five minutes later took 8 minutes to clean 7 meg.
OS Version?
wipe freespace checked?
run ccleaner in debugmode? see where it's sticking?
what else is running in the background? - windows updates, AV scan etc.
what other programs are active? - Word, emails etc.
have you setup CC to use winapp2 or INCLUDES ?
Hi all I have been using the free cc cleaner on 3 computers for quite a while-just got a new laptop and my cc is running slooooooooooowwww as well-I am not especially tech genius-but can understand if you can break it down in laymans terms what to do...Windows 7 here thanks
oh yeah and my issue is in the analyzing-not really the cleaning-it is taking forever!!
Ok, so I downloaded CCleaner after a recommendation.
Does this program even work?
I tried Analyze after after an HOUR it was at 0%.
I thought I would email support to see what's wrong but apparently you're expected to purchase support?
Does anyone from CCleaner read these posts? Will I get an answer or should I just look for a cleaning program that works?
@pchidley slow down, it's ok.
first, welcome to the forum . we have many users here who can help you with you issue, whatever maybe happening.
second, this is somebody else's thread. Please take some time and start your own thread. When you do that be sure to tell us: What Operating System version you are running; what version of ccleaner; whence did you get ccleaner (eg the official website, a file site such as; what, if any, settings did you change from the default; and the exact section that you are seeing 0% for an hour.
these will help us determine the next steps in fixing the issue. If there is a definite bug, the developer will know, as they read ALL posts though rarely (read blue-moon) comment. They have given us this great free program used without flaw by millions of other users, but it is given freely; I don't think it's too much for them to ask payment for face-to-face when they have many regular users that volunteer here (including and well beyond myself).
I have locked this Thread the original poster can ask it be reopened