Rayman Legends

Not sure if anyone else here has a Wii U but a demo for a game called Rayman Legends came out today. It has a pretty cool level in it where the characters sing "black betty"":

I was smiling the whole time I played this. I wasn't expecting it to be so fun.

Rayman !!!, damn that's a blast from the past.

I remember my son saving his pocket money diligently and buying that game, and me having to buy a new damn video card to run it !

would have to be something like 8 years ago. (and he started Uni this year)

and Black Betty is a stalwart in my iTunes library.

Ram Jam was ahead of their times with those fluffy poodle hair do's. Now we know where Bon Jovi (and the rest of the 80's bands) got their styles from.

I haven't heard that song since it came out. What a blast from the past.