CCleaner does not clean the list of URL/IP addresses stored in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RAS Autodial\Addresses
when the "Auto connection manager" service is not disabled.
From msdn:
AutoDial Mapping Database
The AutoDial mapping database maps network addresses to RAS phone-book entries. The database can include IP addresses (for example, ""), Internet host names (for example, ""), or NetBIOS names (for example, "products1"). Associated with each address in the AutoDial database is a set of one or more RASAUTODIALENTRY entries. Each of these entries specifies a phone-book entry that RAS can dial to connect to the address from a particular Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) dialing location. For more information about TAPI dialing locations, see the TAPI documentation.
AutoDial automatically creates entries in the AutoDial mapping database in two situations:
- When an attempt to connect to a network address fails
- When the computer is connected to a network through RAS