Ran CCleaner - can't open word documents

Hi - Computer "greenhorn" here. I just ran CCleaner for the first time. I first analyzed and then cleaned the system and registry with the default settings (maybe a mistake from the little I've read here). Everything appeared to work OK until I realized I cannot open any MS Word documents. MS Word opens and runs, but I cannot open any older documents. I get a message that names the document and says "file not available." Furthermore, if I type a new document and save it, I cannot open that document either. All of these documents appear to actually be present both in Word and Windows Explorer, however, niether program will open them.

I tried reinstalling the registry which I saved; that did not work. I even tried a full system restore to restore point a full day before I ran CCleaner with no luck - same problem.

Any advice on how I can fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Specs: using Windows XP w/service pack 3 and MS Word Professional Edition 3



If you get a friend to e-mail you a .doc attachment, can you open it?

Do the files end in .doc?

If you do a document and save it to the desktop can you open it then?

If you right-click on a doc file do you get an 'open with choice?

Are you the only user of the computer (administrator)

Sounds like a missing component, or a corrupt one in the Office installation.

If you have your Microsoft Office installation discs I'd recommend doing a repair installation which should be an option if you go into Add/Remove Programs, but instead of removing it use the repair option.

Hazelnut/Andavari - thanks for taking the time to reply. Hazelnut, let me answer your questions first.

If you get a friend to e-mail you a .doc attachment, can you open it? NO

Do the files end in .doc? Not sure how to check this. In Windows Explorer, my saved MS Word docs are specified as Microsoft Word Documents under the "Type" Column

If you do a document and save it to the desktop can you open it then? NO - I get a "file not available" message.

If you right-click on a doc file do you get an 'open with choice? YES

Are you the only user of the computer (administrator) YES

Adavari - I tried a repair using the Microsoft Office discs, but that didn't work.

Here is some additional info, maybe this will help further clarify my problem.

After unsuccessfully trying to open a document, I get the following messages when trying to close (clicking on X in upper right hand corner) MS Word.

A dialoge box pops up that's titled "The file normal already exists. Do you want to replace it?"

I select the choice "No", and a box pops up with "Save As" in the upper left corner of the box - Save In: "Template" is shown in a drop down function, and a word document titled "normal' is shown in the selection area. If I then try to close word, I get a message that reads, "Changes have been made that affect the global template, Normal. Do you want to save the changes?"

I select No and MS Word closes.

Any other thoughts on how to fix this problem???



A little bit of reading for you, let us know if it helps at all.


A little bit of reading for you, let us know if it helps at all.


Hazelnut - Thanks for putting me on the right track. My problem ended up being a left over "plug in" from Norton Antivirus. I had uninstalled Norton the day before I ran CCleaner, so I had incorrectly assumed my problem was caused by CCleaner. A co-worker of mine and your link pointed me in the right direction as Norton being the cause of my problem. I ran a Norton removal tool - problem solved.

Hazelnut and Andavari - thanks for your help.


Thanks for getting back to us and letting us know what worked for you.

Take care, and don't forget to pop in now and again :)