R.E.M.I.X: Free R.E.M. Album

I haven't listened to this yet, but for free can't be bad.

The band gave some of the best remix artists around the globe a copy of REVEAL to see what they could do. Now you can see (and hear) for yourself. Download all the songs.


Edit: Sounds pretty good.

Looks alright. I might listen to it because I'm really bored right now.

I think its cool how all these "main stream" artists are doing stuff like this(also Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails) but I cant stand any of their music. :P

I think its cool how all these "main stream" artists are doing stuff like this(also Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails) but I cant stand any of their music. :P

Hopefully some rocking bands will follow and do the same, and at least encode the MP3's at a higher archival quality bitrate.