After doing a clean (didn't do anything advanced) when I reboot the quicklaunch bar has to be re-enabled to show. I tried doing a restore of the backup and got an error (i'm using this on a work laptop xp pro sp2 that is locked down in some areas).
I've looked in the registry by doing a search without success to find any key related to quicklaunch.
After doing a clean (didn't do anything advanced) when I reboot the quicklaunch bar has to be re-enabled to show. I tried doing a restore of the backup and got an error (i'm using this on a work laptop xp pro sp2 that is locked down in some areas).
I've looked in the registry by doing a search without success to find any key related to quicklaunch.
Any suggestions?
Welcome Lionel
Have a look at my situation with Quicklaunch on my XP Pro system:
hello everone and good day to you i am new on the forum but i have been reading them for some time now
and i was reading all the post about the quicklaunch bar and i know what the problem is and how to fix it i have to
look up the info and write the problem and the fix and best of all it will not cost anything but if you check back on the post or i may have to post it by it self im not sure but i will be posting it in the next day or two and you will see why when i post it as to was it is and i will also tell you in that post more of why i had to come back with it thanks arkie
I used the taskbarplus and it returned the quicklaunch bar *but* the bar now always opens with only 3 icons and I have to manually expand it with each reboot. I can not get it remember the settings (i've tried several registry hacks with no joy)