quick defrag hot key

This is a new feature of the latest v2.01. Where is this located and how is it accessed?

I don't see it mentioned on the Defraggler docs site yet, unless I missed something. It discusses Quick Defrag but I didn't see anything about Hot Key.

I couldn't find any info about this either. The quick defrag hot key is mentioned in the changelog.

ALT+A+Q ;) (I don't think that's what they mean but it works)

And suddenly it's so obvious!!

Alt highlights the Hot Key with an Underscore under the hot letters for the possibilities; firstly Actions, Settings and Help Menus respectively. Then similar letters are undered to trigger next level option.

Thanks. The ALT+A+Q worked.

again, I don't believe this was the reference in the changelog (though I might be wrong I'll have to look at an old version)

I believe that it Might be in reference to the commandline code of

df.exe /qd

There should be more documentation about this on the Defraggler website.

It's coming Many of these features were just released and the development team is updating the documentation

again, I don't believe this was the reference in the changelog (though I might be wrong I'll have to look at an old version)

I believe that it Might be in reference to the commandline code of

df.exe /qd

No the Alt key combo fits the description in changelog of a new "Hot Key for Quick Defrag", when I run 1.21 ALT, A gets the Action menu up, but no key combos for Defrag of any kind, so it makes sense that Alt, A, D started full defrag in 2.0, and the new thing is the addition of Alt, A, Q.