Question regarding PDF Editors


My friend Will said he didn't know of any pdf editors with a spell check or anything of the sort so I wasn't sure if there were. If anyone knows of one, I'd like to hear it because I'm writing this in Word so far, and not liking it.

Hi Rob.

Well that shouldn't make much difference, you type it into Word do a spell and grammer check and copy and paste it into your PDF writer. You haven't actually said which PDF writer you are using? Plus your Word document will be your backup just incase anything disappears. ;)

Hi Rob.

Well that shouldn't make much difference, you type it into Word do a spell and grammer check and copy and paste it into your PDF writer. You haven't actually said which PDF writer you are using? Plus your Word document will be your backup just incase anything disappears. ;)

I agree . . . Word is your friend. Let it do the work for you -- then when you're all done -- convert to pdf.

Winword just doesn't work for me thats why I want to do it in a pdf editor. Winword often lags for freezes, and when I double space capitalizes my letters where they don't need to be. I usually just use notepad/GetDiz for word processing but I'd be better off with a spell check like that of word, in a pdf editor. :)


What is it that makes you want to use a PDF editor? I never used one myself so I don't know... But if you want a editor with spell checking that's lighter than OOo Writer you could try AbiWord. More info please if i'm way off here...

I do use a PDF editor, but they don't do the kind of checking and editing you're looking for. Think of a pdf file as akin to an image rather than a document -- it's basically a picture. With a good editor, you can change certain things depending on the uniqure characteristics of the particular pdf file, but it all needs to be done manually -- and it's pretty slow going. It's more like using an image editor than a document editor. My suggestion would be to get yourself a word processor that really works for you -- that's what you need to do what you want.

PDF's are usually used for image documents as far as I've seen, but I've seen some "sample" chapters of books written in pdf editors and they work fine. As for my dislike for word, thats just me, I never liked MS-Word I prefer simple things that load faster like Notepad or GetDiz.

PDF's are usually used for image documents as far as I've seen, but I've seen some "sample" chapters of books written in pdf editors and they work fine. As for my dislike for word, thats just me, I never liked MS-Word I prefer simple things that load faster like Notepad or GetDiz.

Don't get confused by this . . . PDFs are not at all limited to images. In fact, many large text documents have been converted into pdf formats. It's the "universality" of the format that gives PDF its appeal.

By the way, the problem with Notepad (and the like) is that they're not really full featured apps -- they just don't have the "muscle." Therefore, if you're planning on doing a lot of writing, IMO you'd be far better off with a traditional word processor such as MS Word or Word Perfect (and may others as well). You could even try OpenOffice. I've never used it, but it's free.

I'm very picky when it comes to software, I didn't really like the OpenOffice program's GUI's but I'll check out ABI word and Word Perfect. ^^,

Winword just doesn't work for me thats why I want to do it in a pdf editor.

That's why I use Tomahawk PDF+ (freeware) to create PDF's with images and still have a small and reasonable filesize. If I were to do the same in Word I'd end up with a several mb sized file with just one or more images in it, and forget about saving as an HTML file with Word because editing it outside of Word is a real b*tch.

Thanks Andavari, I like that program. I've acquired Tomahawk Gold and it works much better than WinWord. With the same primary features.

The only annoying thing is that I have to load the dictionary in every time I open it and it doesn't support contractions. Also it has to be saved in .txt Unicode to be compatible with other word processors, which mucks up the centering and location of page numbers. But I'd use it none the less :)

That's why I use Tomahawk PDF+ (freeware) to create PDF's with images and still have a small and reasonable filesize. If I were to do the same in Word I'd end up with a several mb sized file with just one or more images in it, and forget about saving as an HTML file with Word because editing it outside of Word is a real b*tch.

Yeah, Thanks Andavari !!!

I just knew that if I kept following this thread that I would find something.

Something, that at the time, I didn't even know I needed.

This is going to be a "GREAT" week !!!

Something like this has the same effect as taking a PAIN pill. Maybe more so.

Winapp2.ini did say something was a pain somewhere.

Thanks for sharing,

:) davey

I just knew that if I kept following this thread that I would find something.

I posted about it in the Freeware thread here not too long ago.

Anyone using Tomahawk PDF+ needs to download the dictionary for their language to make it very useful, it's at the bottom of this page.

I posted about it in the Freeware thread here not too long ago.

Anyone using Tomahawk PDF+ needs to download the dictionary for their language to make it very useful, it's at the bottom of this page.

Thanks for that also. I forgot to download it.

Sure looks like a nice, friendly site. Do I hear hoof-beats !!! :P

not too long ago.

That was during my free ISP Internet-free vacation.

I did get back in time to see your SMPlayer post. Thanks for that also. :D

:) davey

I did get back in time to see your SMPlayer post. Thanks for that also. :D

I also use the portable version for my music discs, and video discs. Although I compressed the executables with UPX to reduce the overall total size of the portable package by about 50%.

That's why I use Tomahawk PDF+ (freeware) to create PDF's with images and still have a small and reasonable filesize.

Thanks for the link Andavari. ;)

I actually downloaded VeryPDF PDF Editor 2.2 last night just to try a bought version. Its terrible to use and I haven't made a PDF file with it. I shall have to keep playing with it. I downloaded PDF2Word v3.0 of the same company and that works great.

I also downloaded Tomahawk PDF+ which needs no installation just unzip it to a temp folder. I also downloaded the Updated Help file and English Dictionary & Thesaurus Davey at the same time. ;)

I had a quick play around with it this morning and great I can make a PDF file with ease.

Thanks again. ;)