Question for the Opera users.

I've stayed with Opera 10.10 for some time now, simply because every version after that has had some form of irritating glitch.

I've been trying Opera 10.6* versions, and each of them has the same irritation, and I'm wondering if any of you guys get the same thing, and if so, do you know a way to fix it, to save me searching elsewhere for an answer. Am I missing something here?

The irritation is the appearance of a horizontal scroll bar which has absolutely no use.


Opera's "fit page" feature only screws up parts of the forum.

EDIT: The scroll bar only appears after logging in.

Im not a main opera user but is there not a fit page to width option?


right hand side statusbar. Click View - fit to width


I don't have a horizontal scroll bar and never have. I'm running 10.62 on Win7 Ultimate. Perhaps the difference is my screen resolution appears to be higher. Mine is set to 1400x1050.

You can change the zoom size too.

Whenever I do get a horizontal scroll bar, it always works.

Fit to width works too, but sometimes when you go to another site

after using it, the page won't show everything and you have to

undo the fit to width. It depends on the web site.

Thanks for your comments, although the "Fit to width" idea is what I meant by "fit page" in my post.

If I do the "Fit to width" on the opening forum page, it's fine, but as soon as I link to another page, it gets really screwed up.

I can't show you as I'm now back on Opera 10.10. I just can't be arsed (quaint English term) with messing around with workarounds, which is why I keep reverting to good old 10.10 which works perfectly.

Thanks for the input all the same.

there was a rendering glitch or 2 in opera 10.60 which came along with a rushed release upgrade from 10.10 --- all fixed a while back

suspect a fresh install will fix everything .... BUT

Another option would be to try the USB version of opera FROM HERE

extract to external drive, usb stick ....

and there is a portableapps version in development which when ready would remove the need to extract the newest opera files when a new version comes as portableapps has the updater function built in (to 2.0 beta5 of their platform)

I know this sounds obvious, but sometimes the skins you use make a difference.

They need to be compatible with the version you're using.

Thanks for the suggestion barky, but I'm sticking with what works for now.

A good suggestion about the skins, which I've already tried with the default skin, and it's still the same.

I think it significant that File Hippo's screenshots of Opera 10.62 have that horizontal scroll bar in them. I didn't take that much interest before. It must be par for the course depending upon your monitor, as mentioned by Teejay.

An update with the solution to the glitches I've been experiencing, particularly for Opera users who customize INI files.

For a long time I've had Opera customised using the "dialogue.ini" and the "standard_menu.ini" from the UI folder to achieve what I want, and I've consequently kept back-up copies of these two files to save re-doing my mods after every update, and after replacing those two files over many version updates, I've never experienced any problems.

Beginning with 10.50, there must have been changes made to the make up of these two files which meant my two file substitutions were either missing something or conflicting with something. The problem was the glitches didn't really point to, or relate directly to, the customizations I'd made so the cause wasn't that evident.

I've redone my modifications using files from the latest version of Opera, and all glitches are now gone, including the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the forum in the 10.6 versions of Opera, and I'm now running with a perfectly operating Opera 10.62.

Who would have thunk it?

Glad you got it figured out Dennis. B)

Thanks TeeJay.

Between my old 10.10 and 10.62, there is quite a difference. Really like it.

I just installed the latest opera(haven't tried it in a few versions) and surprisingly I really like it. Its fast and the minimalistic interface is awesome(much more functional than chrome and IE 9). I really like the bookmark drop down button that you can drag to your toolbar. Still access my bookmarks without enabling the menu bar or that annoying sidebar. Thats how customizing should be.

It seems to do everything I like in a browser(block ads, fast, spell check). the adblock and element hider options from fanboy seem to work great:

I didn't know they added spell check to this version, no browser should be without it. ;)

Been playing with opera for a little while today. I think I got it to look exactly how I want it.

I think this is how Firefox and IE9/Chrome should have done their "minimalistic" interfaces. Everything is still functional without having to digg through menus or having extra toolbars:

post-1352-077429600 1286768309_thumb.jpg

Even though I've had problems with it (and not all my own making), I couldn't use anything else now.

The above mentioned reasons are why I like Opera too. It has the minimalist interface without sacrificing on features (Chrome/Iron is very very stripped down by comparison) and is also very fast. Chrome/Iron is faster at rendering some websites, but overall Opera is faster for me. In fact, certain sites load MUCH slower in Iron than in Opera.

Upgraded to 10.62 but had to drop back as sites ran slow and video sites such as youtube and BBC iplayer just kept buffering every few seconds.

Flash etc all up to date. Better luck next build perhaps :)

Better luck next build perhaps

10.63 downloadable from opera site ;)

Changelog HERE

10.63 downloadable from opera site ;)

Changelog HERE

May try it when I have time in the next few days.

Crash after leaving a page containing Flash with wmode="transparent"

This happened to me as well I think, I see it's fixed now according to changelog.

Good luck with that hazel.

Upgraded to 10.62 but had to drop back as sites ran slow and video sites such as youtube and BBC iplayer just kept buffering every few seconds.

Flash etc all up to date. Better luck next build perhaps :)

That's too bad Hazel, but I wonder why you're experiencing those issues, while almost everyone else running the exact same build does not. :huh: